Januar 18, 2025


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Woman Who Received Pig Kidney Transplant Has It Removed

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Woman Who Received Pig Kidney Transplant Has It Removed

A woman who made headlines last year for receiving a groundbreaking pig kidney transplant has had the organ removed due to a complication.

The 57-year-old patient, who had been suffering from kidney failure and was unable to find a human donor, underwent the experimental transplant surgery in hopes of improving her quality of life. The procedure, which took place at a hospital in Maryland, was the first of its kind in the United States.

However, doctors recently discovered that the pig kidney was not functioning as expected and was causing health issues for the patient. As a result, they made the difficult decision to remove the organ in order to prevent further complications.

Although the transplant was not successful in this case, medical experts believe that the pioneering procedure still holds promise for the future of organ transplantation. Research into xenotransplantation, the process of transplanting organs from animals into humans, continues to advance, with the hope of one day providing new treatment options for patients in need.

While the woman’s journey may have taken a difficult turn, her story serves as a reminder of the risks and challenges involved in pushing the boundaries of medical science in pursuit of better health outcomes.

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